By Sarah Block
Former Associate Editor of Layout
Author and journalist Sally Quinn once said, “I can’t imagine life without a newspaper.” Well, neither can I. Thinking back on the past few years, within a few short weeks of graduation, I could not imagine my undergraduate experience without The Bucknellian. One would think that constant sleep deprivation, stress over filling space on the front page and being confined to a windowless room in the basement of Roberts Hall at least one night a week for the past three years would have driven me insane and turned me off from news and journalism in any and all forms.
Instead, all of my experiences working for the newspaper, both good and bad, are what have made my participation in The Bucknellian worthwhile. In fact, my time as a layout editor and on the editorial staff has been a major part of my college experience, and I would not have had it any other way.
Initially, I thought joining The Bucknellian as a layout editor would be a great way to meet people and get involved in something else on campus, and I never imagined the extent to which I would become involved, if not attached, to the publication. While I undoubtedly get a wonderful feeling when I see my work on newsstands around campus and downtown every Friday, being a part of The Bucknellian has been so much more than just layout, design and public recognition.
As I head off to law school next fall, I know that my encounters with controversy, politics and the quest for neutrality while working for the paper will benefit me greatly in my future career. In fact, many of these experiences have further inspired me to study the law. More importantly, though, some of my best friends and many of the people I admire the most have been my fellow editorial staff members. Late nights in the newsroom having boy band sing-alongs, yelling at the uncooperative printer or eating the food acquired on a spontaneous Sheetz run are only some of my fondest memories from the past few years. Getting to know these people has been a highlight of my time at the University, and knowing them has helped me to develop into the person I am today.
The Bucknellian is a family, and being part of it is one of the things I will miss most about college. So, don’t be surprised when you come to visit me next year and find a room in my apartment wallpapered in pages of The Bucknellian. I’m not quite ready to leave it all behind just yet.