
Arabic Studies minor approved

Minor in Arabic Studies Recently Approved

Kerong Kelly


The College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee approved the Arabic minor, which will require six courses, four of which must include the core language and two interdisciplinary courses offered by the Arabic Studies Program. Students can also chose another area of study, including classics, international relations, political science, religion, philosophy, art or history.

“I’m excited about the approval of the Arabic minor because I think it will strengthen my resumé if I have an official minor,” Polly Englot ’16 said. “It will be a way of recognizing that my dedication to the language goes beyond just taking a few language classes. I also think it will strengthen departments related to the Middle East because students will be attracted to Bucknell by the fact that they can minor in the language of the region that they’re learning about.”

“Creating this minor is in fact an acknowledgement and response to the great demand for Arabic-speaking professionals seeking potential career opportunities in such fields as diplomacy, intelligence and international affairs, business and much more,” said Martin Isleem, assistant professor of Arabic and director of the Arabic Studies program. “I hope the creation of an Arabic minor will inspire more students to learn the Arabic language and explore the cultural and linguistic beauty of the Arabic world.”

The cross-disciplinary nature of the Arabic minor will allow students to fulfill requirements on a wider range of topics. The Arabic minor will also create more study abroad opportunities in Middle Eastern countries as well as those in North Africa.

“The Arabic minor will not only increase student’s efficiency level with the language, but it will also serve to educate students on aspects of Arab culture that are both misrepresented and misunderstood,” Brandon Dellafave ’16 said.