
BSG celebrates Class of 2012 with Senior Nights

By Siobhan Murray


Last Thursday night, Bucknell Student Government (BSG) 2012 organized the first senior night of the year at Parkview Catering behind The Bull Run Inn. The Mardi Gras-themed event was stocked with free food and was meant to celebrate the last 97 days the class of 2012 has left until graduation.
The event lasted from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. and featured a live DJ, drinks and prizes for the first 120 people that came through the door.
“The beer will be flowing, the beads will be flying, and all inhibitions will be discarded!” BSG’s promotion for the event said. “It’s not like we need to give you any added incentive to party, but the BSG class of 2012 thought we’d do it anyway.”
Events such as these are meant to mark the last days of the senior class’ final year, as well as provide an opportunity for the class to reunite before graduation in May. Senior events have been a long-standing tradition at the University, and last year’s cancellation of the 100 Nights event came as a shock to many students. After the abrupt announcement of the cancellation, members of the Office of Alumni Relations and members of the BSG senior class worked to develop new events to provide an alternative to 100 Nights. 
“I was glad to see such a big turnout from our class at Senior Night,” John Luce ’12 said. “It was a great opportunity to catch up with friends over good food and drinks.  Since commencement is right around the corner, I think it’s important to have events like this to bring the senior class together.”
“Although this event, and others like it, may not nessecarily be meant to completely replace 100 Nights, they are still meant to bring our class together with the funds we have for these purposes,” Larry Leggett ’12 said. “I’m definitely glad to have the opportunity to reconnect with my classmates.”
More events like this one will occur in the upcoming months as the class of 2012 counts down to graduation.