
The art of dating lost on college campuses

Ginny Jacobs
Contributing Writer

You don’t have to be on campus for very long to know about the unusually large number of University students who marry each other. As a group, we boast about this high percentage, as well as at least consider the option of joining the four-year-long wait list to be married in Rooke Chapel. However, similar to just about any college, if you go ask the average student about the campus dating scene, the most common answer you will get is, “What dating scene?” Few people are actually in relationships and the notion of going on an actual date is outdated. The word “dating” is not in the vocabulary of many college students. It seems like a relic from the college days of our parents, almost on par with words on the verge of extinction like “pinning” or “going steady.” For most students, the formal date has been replaced by friendship, the one (or multiple) night stand or serious relationship.

One recent study indicated that most of today’s college students are not dating in the traditional sense. Instead, they are either engaging in casual sex or in serious relationships, with almost nothing in between. Dating on college campuses has been replaced by what’s commonly called “hooking up,” according to a recent nationwide study of more than 1,000 college women by the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF). Respondents define the term this way: “a girl and a guy get together for a physical encounter and don’t necessarily expect anything further.”

Why have we as a collective group switched from the conventional dating style over to this new “hook-up culture?” Kerry Cronin, a professor of philosophy at Boston College, recently gave a talk to students on this very subject and why we are no longer dating. She says she got into this topic about seven or eight years ago when talking with graduating seniors about the things they felt like they missed out on. From this, she found that a large portion of students had never gone out on an actual date throughout their college careers and regretted it. Cronin claimed she detected a sense of both, “wistfulness and anxiety among the students over the thought of graduating without having developed the basic social courage to go on a date.”

Cronin went on to argue that the hook up culture is a shortcut to fitting in socially, to having social status. We all want to tell a story at weekend brunch, where the stories are usually about who hooked up with whom, and hooking up is a way to do that. Feeling a part of something is an incredibly important part of college life. Going in and out of this hook up scene is usually motivated largely by a desire for connection, but this desire is often obstructed by a lack of courage. The difficult thing is having the simple courage to ask somebody if he or she would want to sit down for an hour and talk.

Additionally, most University students have a very limited amount of time to spend on any social activities. Most do not want to put the time or emotional effort into a committed relationship while still in college, and feel the need to concentrate on future goals. Dating is only further complicated by ambiguous language such as just talking, hooking up, friends with benefits and open-relationships, all terms used to avoid the dreaded concept of commitment. These semi-relationships relieve some of the pressure of a real relationship by allowing both people involved to leave their options open.

But who wants to graduate from college with an armload of “open options,” but no beautiful memories? Maybe it is time for our generation to rethink dating. College is the time when we are supposed to move beyond our comfort zones and acquire a variety of experiences. So why not, just one time before you cross the stage on the quad, try something truly exotic and frightening and go out on a real date?


Students lack library courtesy

Caroline Schaeffer

There comes a time in your college life when you realize you have a staggering amount of work to do and almost no time to complete it. Desperately, you seek out the library in an attempt to get some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, before you even make the slightest dent in your staggering workload, you realize that between the guy sitting next to you loudly discussing his weekend plans and the music junkie blasting Pitbull straight through his headphones, you’re not going to get much work done there at all. Why is it that sometimes even the library is too loud to get anything done? Are people that out of tune with those around them to be considerate of people actually trying to study? Sadly, this lack of consideration seems to be all too common of an occurrence as of late. People think less about those around them and more about their own personal needs.

Of course it would be impractical to expect people to remain completely silent at all times while in the library. After all, there are already specific silent zones for students in need of that level of concentration. But just because a certain area isn’t labeled a “quiet” zone, doesn’t mean it’s okay to talk as loudly and freely as you would in Bostwick Marketplace. No part of the library is truly meant to be the social epicenter of campus and, more often than not, people in the library are there for a reason. To loudly joke with your friends about that funny thing your roommate said yesterday is not only distracting, it’s a little rude.

The problem is that most people aren’t thinking about the guy studying for a bio exam next to them or the girl practicing Spanish two tables over; they’re only thinking about themselves. Most people are more focused on what they and their immediate friends want and are less concerned with the people around them who may actually be doing work. Everyone is guilty of this to some degree (I can’t say I’ve never been a little louder than I should in the library), but all it would take is some common courtesy to correct this problem. For some, a gesture as small as lowering your voice could greatly improve the experience of those around you actually doing work. There are many other great places to socialize with friends on campus besides the library, and a lot of them would welcome all different levels of noise.

By no means should the library turn into a place devoid of all sound and activity–that would be depressing. Instead, students just need to be aware of people around them, and remember that the next time they have to study for a colossal exam, they’d be pretty thankful to have a relatively distraction-free place to cram for their test.

Editorial Opinion

Editorial: University adds hookah to prohibited substances

Two years ago, when the University decided to strengthen its alcohol and drug violation policy, it helped to mitigate the illegal activities on campus. Students started taking state laws more seriously and finding themselves facing real consequences for their illegal actions. However, the onset of the University’s new policy on hookah is not accomplishing the same goal.

While hookah is still legal in the state of Pennsylvania, the University now includes hookah in its list of prohibited items and behavior. Other items on the list include drugs illegal in Pennsylvania as well as associated paraphernalia. The decision to begin including hookah as a prohibited substance has sparked controversy on campus, as many students partake in the activity and feel their rights are being violated.

The New York Times published an article on May 30 of last year entitled “Putting a Crimp in the Hookah.” The article discussed the move toward deeming the substance illegal, as well as hookah bars in certain states and bans put on them by colleges across the country.  One reason cited is the health concern from smoking. Many believe that the water filtering process in hookah smoking eliminates all of the harmful chemicals, but that is false. The activity is still a health risk, leading to the bans from states and universities.

If the University is jumping on board with the health hazards of the substance, then why is it not banning other substances at least as harmful? With cigarette smoking still allowed on campus, students are jeopardizing their health in the same way, while often afflicting other students as well. Secondhand smoke is considered an annoyance by any student who chooses not to smoke, and many are often caught downstream, unable to separate themselves from an activity in which they choose not to participate. The health concerns associated with cigarettes should justify their placement on the banned substances list if that argument is being made for hookah.

As a health concern, there’s nothing preventing students from choosing to smoke hookah off campus. The Grasshopper, on Market Street, offers the activity at a hookah bar, creating a social setting. There’s no reason that students can’t choose to continue affecting their health by smoking.

Additionally, some students on campus smoke hookah as a cultural practice. With the University’s effort to improve and increase diversity on campus by hiring an associate provost for diversity and an associate dean of students for diversity, it seems contradictory that the new policy is so blatantly disregarding a multicultural activity. While candles are prohibited on campus, menorahs are allowed with permission during Hanukkah. If we will acknowledge and accommodate certain practices but not others, students are led to distrust the administration and its policies.

Letters to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I was saddened to hear the news of Dr. Bill Duckworth’s passing last week. Bill was a professor of music at Bucknell while I was an undergraduate and he went on to global acclaim with groundbreaking compositions. He was passionate about music, engaged with his students, inquisitive, mischievous, creative, inspiring, edgy and brought a love for contemporary music. A story that underscores his personal touch as well as his “composer’s mind”  happened the night of my senior recital. In all my years of performing, I had never experienced a memorization issue. Three-quarters of the way through a masterwork by Cesar Franck, I lost focus and froze. I was only about 14 bars into the last movement when it happened: what seemed like an eternity lasted about a second and a half, I restarted the movement and finished without issue. Afterwards, Bill sought me out right after the performance and said, “you were wonderful … but I have to know … what happened in the last movement of the Franck?” I explained and he replied, “I may be the only one in the room that noticed, but I had to know … it didn’t make sense to me that Franck would have composed it that way.” We laughed about this many years later when he took me on a personal tour of the Weis Center–he was so proud of the building and highlighted many details that put students’ needs first. Dr. Duckworth made a difference for so many of us, brought recognition and honor to the University and unique compositions to the world.

Harriet Edelman 77
Trustee P ’14


Experiences of Sandusky victim should not have a price

Justin Marinelli

Just when the most optimistic of us were thinking that society was moving on to more important things, the news came out that “Victim 1” of the Jerry Sandusky child abuse scandal will have a book detailing his experiences hit stores next month. The question on many people’s minds is if this is too soon for such intimate details about the scandal to arise. While this is a normal reaction, it also decisively reveals a lack of priorities and perspective on the entire affair.

The real question we should be asking ourselves is not whether this is too soon, but why we should even care. The Sandusky trial is over and done; the man was convicted and justice was served. Any further action serves no purpose other than to manipulate our sense of horror at the event for personal gain. We collectively need to move on, for it reflects poorly on us if we don’t.

There is no justifiable reason for this to ever be published. Sure, it’ll make for tawdry entertainment for whoever chooses to purchase it, but such action only serves to cheapen the events that unfolded. It puts a price on the suffering endured, which is in and of itself a despicable act. Sexual assault is a horrifying act that should happen to no one; making money off of being a victim assigns such a heinous act with a monetary value.

However, no money can be made unless we choose to buy the book. Anyone who buys it becomes complicit in this monetization of horror. No matter what your intent in buying it may be, purchasing a copy essentially says that you are perfectly okay with sexual assault, as long as the victim receives adequate financial compensation.

I have no problem with using writing as a method to achieve catharsis. If documenting your experience helps you get over the psychological scars, then there’s no reason not to do it. It is making money off of your own suffering and putting a price on the horrors you went through that I find detestable. It makes sexual assault less shocking and less horrific. If we want to think of ourselves as living in an evolved society, that is one thing we should never do.


Obama has upper hand in presidential debates

Elaine Lac

Who will win the presidential debates? Will it be Barack Obama, our 44th president who has failed to drastically change America’s economic situation? Will it be Mitt Romney, the self-made business man with numerous public flubs? The first presidential debate is set for Oct. 3 with the first topic being domestic policy. Obama will be more consistent and informed in his debate, but Romney may have an edge because of his recent experience debating during the Republican primaries.

I would have an inclination towards Obama because of his consistency in policies. He’s spent four years in office so he has to know about the debate topics. Better yet, he has clear cut proposals to fix things. He has spent his term trying to deliver the promises he made in 2008, but most of his proposals were shot down in Congress. The Democratic majority in the Senate cancelled the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, which made passing legislation difficult. Ultimately, he appears ineffective as a president and hasn’t delivered the “change” he promised. This could be a vital point for Romney to exploit, and I’m sure it will be because Obama hasn’t done anything drastic during his term to improve America. Maybe “change” is needed.

Romney has the advantage over Obama in debates because he had to go through the Republican primaries. This will make him more relaxed and ready for these debates. However, he has been placed under critical scrutiny because of a video recording of him disregarding 47 percent of the United States because they didn’t pay income tax. This 47 percent is mostly comprised of people who are either elderly or making less than $20,000 a year. They can’t afford to pay income tax, but still pay things like payroll taxes.

This damages his image, and Obama will definitely question him about the video. Obama will also question his policies regarding helping the lower class who are struggling the most with “Great Recession.” Romney has already been painted as out-of-touch after refusing to release his tax returns and making a casual $10,000 bet with a Republican primary candidate. This is just the cherry on top of the sundae.

Obama has an upper hand in terms of knowing his information and having experience writing policies for a broader range of issues like immigration and healthcare. Romney has experience running businesses which can translate into effective politics and may perform more naturally than Obama. But, the recent scrutiny Romney is facing for his video will tip the balance in Obama’s favor.


Appearance obsession inhibits individuality

Spencer Ivey

Although we try to deny it, we have become a society obsessed with appearance. Media, celebrities and popular brands have forced us to become overly conscious of how we look. In a sense, we use our appearance to tell a story about ourselves, and we do not want others to get the story wrong. What you wear can either attract or repel certain groups of people. To fit in with others of your preferred social status, you must first look the part, especially in the ever-competitive culture at the University. Two aspects of my life have led me to realize the exaggerated importance of appearance here: my interest in fashion and having a girlfriend. The unfortunate phenomenon of appearance obsession fosters a lack of personal expression, causes pressure to conform on campus and tends to hit the female community the hardest.

When I say I am interested in fashion, I don’t mean I am obsessed with models and high-end brands. I merely enjoy exploring the wide variety of brands that the clothing industry has to offer through fashion blogs and various websites. With this heightened awareness of fashion, I have come to realize that every brand represents a particular personality. At the University, an overwhelming majority of the population tries to exude a “preppy” or “put-together” look. Next time you walk from one end of campus to the other, take a second to recognize the recurrence of a core set of brands: Polo Ralph Lauren, J. Crew, Lilly Pulitzer, Patagonia and Lulu Lemon. While this may be a consequence of the somewhat homogeneous student population (white, East Coast and upper-class), I also believe it could be attributed to an obsession with certain brand names and clothing choice. Do some people feel the need to blend in with this general look? I would definitely say yes. I get the feeling that some students might be afraid to show their flair because of the risk of being labeled as different or not being able to fit in with a certain group.

Appearance obsession is especially common among the female population on campus. Since I have a girlfriend, I have been able to gain more insight about this topic. What I have discovered is truly depressing. I hear about girls who spend hours at the gym, deprive themselves of food and have other girls come to their rooms before they go out to a party to make sure they look good in their outfits. This routine is especially popular among sophomore girls during the rush process; the girls feel the need to look their absolute best or else they will not be asked back to their favorite sorority. The fact that the University is one of the top colleges in the nation for “hottest girls” is probably an additional factor. Girls feel the need to look better than the girl next to them and live up to that high regard at ridiculous mental and physical costs. It seems that the ideals of “be yourself” and “don’t be someone you aren’t” have diminished with the steady campus breeze.

I do realize that a population of girls and guys who don’t obsess over their appearance exists, but it seems to be quite small. My challenge to the University community is this: be original. Don’t blend in. Be the one who looks a little different. Be the person you want to be, not the person everyone around you wants to be. The sooner everyone can learn to feel confident in his or her own appearance, the sooner everyone will feel a lot happier.


iPhone 5 not worth the investment

El McCabe
Contributing Writer

Whether you are fan of Apple or not, it is impossible to ignore the monumental impact the company and its products have had on the lives of millions across the globe. Ever since June 2007 when the first version made its debut, over 200 million iPhones have been sold.  People can’t seem to get enough of Apple’s most popular product and the hype for the newly released iPhone 5 led thousands to go as far as camp outside stores for days to get the long awaited improvement to the 4S.

The iPhone 5 was released Sept. 21 and students around campus are already sporting Apple’s latest gadget. With a larger screen, thinner body, high-definition camera and many more exciting features, I can see why everyone is so eager to get their hands on one. But, with every new iPhone comes some tradeoffs. The new iPhone contains a completely unique plug-in port for charging and importing that is not compatible with any of Apple’s prior accessories or chargers. Thus, not only is this iPhone costing you big money to buy, but it is also forcing you to start fresh with expensive accessories such as the iHome.

For me, the entirely new plug-in port is a deal-breaker. No matter how nice Apple made the screen and features, it is still not worth the amount of money necessary to replace everything. Apple products are notoriously not cheap, and not everyone can afford to replace their old gadgets even if they wanted to. However, I do suggest downloading Apple’s newest software version iOS 6. This update is available on all versions of the iPhone and provides a fresh look to music, calling and maps. This update will not only provide the feel of the iPhone 5, but it will also help avoid dipping into your savings.

Basically, the decision to take the plunge in buying one of these aesthetically pleasing items depends on your priorities. If you are a die-hard Apple supporter and are willing to shell out the funds, you will not be disappointed with the iPhone 5. If you are more like me and do not want to convert all accessories to the new adapter, this phone most likely isn’t for you.

Editorial Opinion


With the University’s involvement in the development of a new app for Geisinger Health System, it seems that students and the school should be more in tune to our nutritional needs. We’re so excited about the healthier options available nearby, with a Subway on Market St. and Wendy’s and McDonald’s offering lower calories choices. We aren’t so thrilled about the dining on campus.

Over the last couple of years, Dining Services has done a fantastic job of improving the campus food experience by posting nutritional information, but we find it’s still lacking. While specialty items from The Daily Dish and other stations have the caloric count and other facts posted, the standard items’ information isn’t as readily available.

At the Mexican station and the Bison Grill, any of the standard menu items do not have the information posted in an easily accessible location. Even made-to-go items don’t always provide good nutritional information. On a recent inspection of a Dirt Pudding cup, we saw the following: Calories – 937, Fat – 53g, Sugars g. The actual number of grams of sugar was non-existent on the label. Even when the information is provided, it’s somehow still incomplete.

As for the wrap and sandwich stations, it would appear that the caloric count for your meal would be easy to calculate, but it’s not. The postings give a breakdown of information for different a la carte options based on the weight of the item on your sandwich. However, the staff rarely uses a scale to measure out turkey or other items, meaning your calorie estimation could be way off base. Even when they do weigh items, students aren’t made aware of the totals.

We, as students, need to be responsible for ourselves and the decisions we make about the food we eat. Dining Services and the University need to be responsible for providing us with the options and information to make good, informed decisions.

Last week, we printed an article about the “freshman 15” and finding a way to balance a healthy lifestyle. The University offers group fitness classes at no extra cost to students, but for some reason, the ice cream freezer in the Terrace Room is more popular than any of the classes. We need to not only be monitoring how much and what we eat, but also what physical activity we’re participating in. Between the options at the KLARC and the many different club and intramural sports teams, there’s no reason we can’t find that balance.

Let this be a wake up call to all of campus: we are responsible for the decisions we make regarding our health. We have to take action and be conscious of what we’re putting in our bodies and how we’re taking care of ourselves.


Academic honesty should be valued

Josh Haywood
Senior Writer 

In light of the ongoing investigation into the Harvard cheating scandal, and after reading several research articles by Donald L. McCabe detailing academic dishonesty, I believe the underlying cause of cheating is failure within two different peer groups: educators, who rely on illogical assignment structure, and students, who lack an honor system. According to McCabe’s 2005 research document on academic dishonesty, 21 percent (one in five) students reported cheating on a test at least once in the past year and 36 percent (one in three) students reported paraphrasing/copying material from an internet source (for written sources it was 38 percent) without citing it at least once in the past year. Overall, In his 1997 article, McCabe found that over students’ academic careers, 82 percent reported they had engaged in at least one serious form of cheating. It could be said these numbers are the result of professor academic mismanagement in placing too much emphasis on one or two assignments instead of spreading the load out equally through the semester. It could also be inferred that cheating is the result of an absence of an honor system among students; if nobody else says it is wrong for you to cheat, then is cheating really wrong at all?

Poor course structure can create an inclination for students to cheat as a means of academic survival. In McCabe’s 1995 article, two of the primary rationales for students to cheat were “I have too many competing demands on myself, so I have to cut some corners in order to survive” or “No one would ever know, so what does it matter?” Poor course structure comes in the form of too much emphasis being placed on group projects or only grading one or two assignments that essentially determine a student’s final grade for a semester. A professor needs to take a rational approach when developing a syllabus by taking into account student behavior, and not design an agenda that indirectly promotes academic dishonesty. High-stake educational models like the ones mentioned naturally breed academic dishonesty simply because there is too much to lose. If educational professionals were to adopt a more rational educational model where work is spread out, the propensity for students to cheat would be much lower because the tasks they are asked to do are within their means.

Student culture is also a major influence on cheating. For many students, a bit of cheating here and there is not considered to be that faux pas. Look at the rise of the modern day essay mill where students can pay someone else to write a paper on any topic for them. Things like this exemplify the lack of honor within student culture and could be a product of the tech boom over the past 20 years, which has made it easier for students to merely look up the answers to their assignments. It’s simple: students place a high value on time so why would they spend more of it researching a question when the answer is readily available online? Beliefs like, “no one would ever know, so what does it matter” drive students to act against their professors’ wishes. Even when students witness others cheating, there is often a hesitation to act because the witness can think of at least one time  when they have been guilty of cheating themselves. This traps the student in a crisis of hypocrisy.

Cheating is just like nature: always in the constant state of evolution where the best methods to cheat will prosper. Educators need to combat this by taking a look at their agendas to see if it properly factors in student behavior, thus minimizing the possibility of cheating. Students need to learn to hold themselves accountable for their actions because if they get caught, they could be thrown out of school. It should always be known that the satisfaction of putting in the work and actually knowing material far outweighs that gained from cheating to get a passing grade.