Featured Opinion

Technology defines our generation

By Molly Brown

Contributing Writer

Did you ever hear your parents or older adults say something like, “Your generation doesn’t understand,” or “Well, when I was your age …” ? But what exactly do they mean by that? What is our generation? Though the majority of the students on campus grew up during the 1990s, is that our label for posterity? The 1990s were very different than the 2000s and now the following decade is even more dissimilar. Although our elders may bemoan “our generation,” is ours really any different from when they were young adults facing their own parents’ generations? I feel at the heart of the matter lies the fact that we are the first generation of the technology boom, which has shaped us—for better and perhaps for worse—as well as the present culture.

Do you realize that we will be able to say to our children, “I remember when DVDs came out,” let alone Blu-ray and 3D and whatever the next big thing is. This technological boom is not unique to the VHS to DVD revolution. What about cassette tapes to CDs, and CDs to iPods and MP3 players? Through the advent of satellite radio and services like Pandora and Netflix, the ability to stream media has become more valued than owning such media. So much for books; we have e-readers, tablets instead of desktops and cellphones to replace land lines. And we mustn’t forget the greatest game-changer of all: the Internet.

The Internet has supplied immediate access to information, providing immediate gratification akin to what the microwave did in lieu of the oven in the culinary world of the late 1960s. Most of us cannot think of life without such advances. Email and instant messaging brought the revolution of communication, making it possible to communicate within seconds instead of mailing a letter and waiting days for a reply. Then came social networking: Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, which, in the same vein of email, allow you to be connected at all times with your friends and family.

All of these technologies are inherently as good as the intent behind their creation. I feel, though, that the negatives associated with such technologies are being used to characterize our generation in lieu of their more positive ones. For example, the social networking culture has made it possible to share every minute of every day with others, and some people do just that. The barrage of status updates on Facebook regarding going for a run, eating too much at dinner or even going to the bathroom all do not need to be shared with every one of your Facebook friends. The status updates and the common cellphone-in-bathroom pictures, often accompanied with a duck-like face and a caption reading, “My new outfit!!!!!!” all seek to glorify the mundane, to make extraordinary of the ordinary. Twitter, even more so than Facebook, has people constantly glued to their phones, following celebrities’ every move.  Before Twitter, you would have received a restraining order for doing that type of thing. Now, such actions are considered normal.

Thus, our generation has immediate access to information, from their friends’ happenings at last night’s party to scholarly research and factual data. But it’s the immediate accessibility that has made a negative impact on our technology-fueled generation, such as the whole cyber-bullying issue. This immediate access has shortened our cumulative attention spans in other areas of life outside the Internet. Movie run times are shorter now than they used to be. More and more children have trouble reading longer books than they used to, or would rather watch the movie version. Is everything eventually going to be told in the Twitter-inflicted limit of 140 characters? Imagine English class. Hamlet might be shortened to “I’m sad. Dad’s dead. Uncle did it. Mom, why? To be or not to be. Sorry Polonius. Ophelia, watch out for that river. Laertes cheated. Dead.” And with these social networking addictions some have, the use of cell phones to update statuses and tweets during public performances, such as concerts, movies and live shows is increasingly common and highly distracting to others who go to enjoy the show. This phenomenon was evidenced by the widely-publicized incident at a New York Philharmonic concert in mid-January, where a cellphone went off and the conductor stopped the performance to ask the individual to turn it off.

But what of the good our generation has done with technology? Technology has created whole new ways of music production and art creation. Sampling, though controversial, has led to ingenious creations that have come to characterize much of current music. Using various technologies has led to new mediums or methods of showcasing original content in art, whether it be using projectors to influence light and shadow or entire exhibits that are derived from viewer participation.

Though both positive and negative aspects are associated with our generation of technology boomers, I feel that we have the opportunity to change the world so much for the better if we make choices about the ways we use technology. Our generation does not need to be known as one of #hashtags and @ symbols … it could be known as one that changed the world.


University is uninviting to minorities

Jasmine King

Contributing Writer

In spirit of Black History Month, it is fitting that we write about one of the most crucial issues on our campus: diversity, or lack thereof. In my experience here, a whopping one-and-a-quarter semesters, one thing has been very clear: the University lacks in diversity. When first visiting our school, I thought this was odd but did not think much of it. Once accepted, I returned with my parents, both of whom are African-American. The first thing they said to me was, “Jasmine, all these people are white.” I recognized that the University was far less diverse than I, and not to the extent that my parents would like it to be. Nonetheless, I was surprised to learn that on average only three percent of the incoming classes for the past five years have been of African-American descent from the United States. This means that most of our diversity comes from other countries. I must admit that I do not appear to be in the minority at the University. My mother is black and my biological father is white; when people look at me, they just assume that I am white because I in no way look of African-American descent. So, when I walk around campus I do not feel what it is like to be a minority, but from talking to my hallmates and my friends who do, they say it is quite intimidating since “everyone” looks the same. In the times that I do feel like a minority, I completely agree with my friends. It is hard not to feel awkward and introverted when you are walking around campus and you know that you do not fit in.

Our University should not segregate the campus; it is just plain weird that a very small percent of students are African-American and from the United States. Tradition is extremely important here and students are stereotyped as being conservative, but times are changing and minorities have just as much to offer as the majority. The College of Arts and Sciences is the only college to have any black tenured/tenure track faculty, with a total number of 15. This is not just sad, it is alarming. The University needs to accept more African-Americans. Then more students who are in the minority will feel more comfortable here and we, as Bucknellians, can pride ourselves in becoming a more diverse campus.


Public Display of Affection: When is it okay? He said…

By Joshua Haywood

Contributing Writer

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching and the trending topic on the quad is PDA (public displays of affection). The truth of the matter is that if you are going to go all out on the PDA front—touching, kissing, the whole nine yards—then you need to go to the Lewisburg Hotel and get a room. If it is a Thursday morning and I am walking to my 8 a.m. class with “the morning flu,” the last thing I want to see is a couple dry humping like they are at a register because my next action will surely involve looking for a trashcan to vomit in. There are basic rules when it comes to PDA and they should be followed.

First off are the “ins.” These are the displays that are generally accepted by me and my friends. Holding hands is definitely an in; this is the most basic form of PDA and, by my standards, acceptable. Next item up for discussion is kissing your better half on the way to class. This is a classic move from what I like to call the “Book of Game.” Just as long as you are not slipping in some tongue on tongue wrestling action, kissing as a form of PDA is tolerable. Now, I may have a 2.5 GPA but I am pretty sure that relatively reenacting a scene from a soft-core porno video in front of the library is not—and never will be—cool. Holding the door open for your lady friend is definitely in on my list of tolerable PDA. This is not to say that the concept of holding a door open is not eternally cliché. I question such acts: is the woman really too feeble to open her own door?

Here are the definite “outs” that the universe should generally accept as PDA overload. First and foremost is groping. Boys, I do not want to see you grab your girlfriend’s behind like you are giving it a friendly handshake. This is gross and highly offensive. The last thing I want to see is you ass-ault your girlfriend in public, especially in front of me. Next up is sitting on each other’s lap in public. This is not Mustang Sally’s. I do not want to see a modified lap dance anywhere on campus. It is inappropriate no matter the situation. Finally, we are all still recovering from FloodGate 2011 but if I see some boy take off his North Face jacket and throw it in the mud so a girl can walk over it in an effort to protect her shoes, I will not only laugh but will come up and ask for your picture and your autograph; you have officially completed the most obscene and ridiculous out.

The reality is, you can show PDA like it is the apocalypse or you can act like a normal human being and be civil about your adoration for your better half. When it comes down to it, you need to stick to the basics and keep it classy; this sets an example for singles and keeps everyone else from throwing up their mystery Bostwick Marketplace meat. 


Public Displays of Affection: When is it okay? She said…

By Sarah Morris

Contributing Writer

Alongside prostitution, PDA is one of the oldest pastimes of our world. Everyone needs love, and physical love might be the best you’re going to get … especially in college. Here on campus, it seems that some students have a bit of extra love to give to their fellow classmates. I’m not talking about dancing at a register or making out with someone at a party on the weekend. I’m talking about good, old-fashioned, rubbing your love in everyone else’s faces behavior. Of course I want all the couples out there to enjoy their time together, I just prefer that they enjoy their time somewhere besides the public arena.

I think it’s time someone makes a PSA about PDA. Everyone smiles when they see an elderly couple holding hands, but there is something to be said about that couple making out in front of your classroom door. Just when you think it’s safe to walk around minding your single, happy, personal-space business, you can’t help but see it. There are two types of PDA: appropriate-but-can-be-over-used PDA, and never-okay-cover-your-children’s-eyes PDA.

Especially because Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, all of my single friends out there need to take caution when deciding where to look, lest they become witness to some graphic, sexual action on campus. Now I know that not all PDA is actually unbearable, but some of it is just uncomfortable to be around and frankly, unnecessary. For example, the other day in the cafeteria, I saw a couple get up from their table and hold hands on the way to fill their plates with food. Really? You can’t walk 20 feet to get your lunch without touching each other? Holding hands isn’t weird, but holding hands to walk around Bostwick Marketplace is.

Some people might say that the only reason others (myself included) are so against PDA is that we just don’t understand what it’s like to not be able to be apart from our significant others. I feel like at some point, PDA becomes an insecurity or attachment issue. Sure, there’s a honeymoon phase to relationships where holding hands and pecking in public is cute and exciting, but when you’ve been dating someone for an extended period of time and you still can’t stand to be apart, doesn’t that seem like a bit of a problem?

PDA is a nice way to show somebody you care, but at some point it can become an obnoxious way to show everyone else that you care too. There is a difference between being cute and being openly gross to everyone around you.



Abuse of ADD meds steadily increases

Jessica Isgro


The acronym ADD has become commonplace in our society. Count the times in your own life that you’ve jokingly reasoned away a lack of focus by saying, “I have such ADD right now.” Even more prevalent than our slang use of a legitimate psychological condition is the widespread presence of the disorder. ADD and ADHD have become somewhat of an epidemic in our nation, and the number of children and adults being treated for their symptoms is steadily increasing. But why has it become so prevalent? Are teens and adults really more susceptible to this condition today?

I don’t think so. I think doctors, parents and teachers have become more observant. Diagnosing ADD and ADHD proves a tricky situation; it’s not detectable through a blood test or any other obvious means. For this reason, diagnosing such cases is not black and white. The diagnosis instead involves observation on the parts of the adults in a child’s life to assess if he or she suffers from ADD or ADHD.

Regardless of the reason for the heightened rate of ADD and ADHD diagnoses, one fact is indisputable: the amount of abuse resulting from the related medications, most commonly Adderall and Ritalin, is steadily on the rise. According to a study published in “Pediatrics”, the abuse of ADD and ADHD drugs increased 76 percent from 1998 to 2005. The prevalence of these disorders in our society provides easy access to their medications; abusers will often ask a friend to spare a few pills or sell them altogether. Some abusers see ADD medications as a safer alternative to harder drugs; they are considered easier to obtain while still supplying the abuser with a high.

The interesting thing about Adderall and Ritalin abuse is that even though cases of ADD and ADHD drug abuse continues to increase, there has been a recent shortage of ADD and ADHD medication. Both the original and generic forms have been scarce and those who legitimately need the medication are having issues finding it. It makes you wonder to what lengths addicts are willing to go in order to find this now-elusive medication. And worse, those using Adderall and Ritalin for non-medicinal purposes are diminishing precious, in-demand medicine that would better serve those with legitimate needs.

What should be done about this problem? Perhaps stricter monitoring of the medication would deter persons who actually need the medication from giving a few pills to their friends, especially if they know that they might not be able to refill their prescription easily the next time around. If abusers truly want these drugs, I feel they will find a way to acquire them. Regardless of the reason, whether they desire the weight loss resulting from Ritalin, they seek the effects of a stimulant or are attempting to increase their focus, serious drug abusers will not merely bow to stronger regulations.

This issue is underemphasized. Our society lacks widespread understanding of the paradox of ADD medication being too accessible to addicts, yet too elusive to ADD and ADHD patients. To use a clichéd but apropos metaphor, one bad apple spoils the bunch. The way I see it, those who abuse Ritalin, Adderall and other medications tarnish the existence of both ADD and ADHD. For this reason, not everyone sees the shortage of ADD and ADHD medication as a problem. Unfortunately, the only ones who suffer in this situation are the ones with legitimate conditions. If an easy solution to this problem existed, it would already be fixed. For now, the most we can do is form a divide in our minds between those who need these medications and those who choose to take them.

Editorial Opinion

Editorial: Football scholarships threaten Univ. integrity

The new proposal to allocate athletic merit based scholarships to Patriot League football programs has many on The Bucknellian staff worried about the direction of the University. First and foremost, we know it is not primarily the University’s decision to add these scholarships, and we understand that the impact will not necessarily have a huge impact on our school. With that said, we do worry about the image of our school if we add even more athletic scholarships than we already have.

This university aspires to be known as one of the most academically challenging and prestigious universities in the country—in fact, every Patriot League school does. The Patriot League was built for scholarly institutions, in the image of the Ivies, which begs the question: what is motivating this move to add scholarships?

Of course, as is the case with everything, we find the answer in capital. The better the football team, the more money a university (and the league that school is in) brings in.

In this endeavor, the Patriot League is clearly favoring money over what is truly important in a university setting: an education.

As President Bravman said in an email sent out to the faculty, “I believe … that there will be a decisive majority vote to permit football scholarships. Should the Presidents’ Council reach this conclusion, it likely will become unavoidable for Bucknell to add merit-aid scholarships in football.”

It seems at this point the fate of our school’s sports programs is undeniable. If we add three to five scholarships in football, we will be forced to add to other sports because of Title IX requirements. What’s more, that money will have to come out of academic based scholarships, decreasing the value put on academics at the University, ultimately decreasing the value of a Bucknell University degree.

More than just the material losses the University will suffer, it will also be overshadowed by its athletic program, and change the meaning of what it truly means to be a University student-athlete. Faculty and students alike have expressed their fear that what it means to be a student-athlete here will change—no longer will that person be a student, who also happens to play sports.

While there is no problem with a university who specializes in sports over academics, we simply don’t see this university as that place. We see this university as one that prides itself with work ethic both on the field and in the classroom, where a student can’t hide behind his or her athletic abilities.

We sincerely hope this new rule, if it gets passed, does not diminish the standards of the University. And, if negative impacts are seen, we hope the University will take steps to improve the status of the student-athlete on our campus.

Letters to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor

To the editor:

Here’s a shining example of Bucknell courtesy. A few days ago, I invited a friend to work with me at the Bertrand Library. My friend lives in Lewisburg but is not affiliated with Bucknell. She drove up to campus and parked on Fraternity Road near the fraternities and library. A group of students, mostly male, stood nearby monitoring traffic. After some hours in the peaceful reading rooms at the library, my friend returned to her car.

Imagine my friend’s shock when she found this belligerent note tucked under her windshield wiper:

Learn how to park you fucking douch [sic].  I’m watching.

We were dismayed by the crassly sexual language and by the threat implicit in  “I’m watching.”  The writer of the note could simply have walked over and said, “Excuse me–you parked over the line.”  But no: this road-rage artist went through all the trouble of pulling out a three-ring notebook and writing an anonymous note (in red ink to boot, as if to compensate for the puerile penmanship and spelling).

My friend reported the incident to the local police and I reported it to campus security, but I have little hope that anything can be done.

I am infuriated by the humiliation my guest faced on our campus, and have to wonder about the mentality that produced such gratuitous vitriol.  Did the writer feel powerful or manly by lashing out at an innocuous woman who is twice the age and half the size of the average student?

I  am well aware that drunken crudeness passes for social life on our campus, and that some of my students might be animals when they are not in my classroom.  This much has not changed in the 20 years I’ve taught here.  However, I’m appalled that a random visitor was treated so abusively.  That’s a new and shameful low.

Meenakshi Ponnuswami
Associate Professor of English


Lack of diversity halts religious acceptance

Elizabeth Bacharach

Opinons Editor

Never once in my life have I considered myself a minority. As I grew up in a predominantly Jewish community I felt one of many, attending multiple bar and bat mitzvahs and High Holy Day services with friends, and found Shabbas dinners to be social events rather than traditional celebrations. But upon arriving on campus, my feelings of majority were quickly flipped upside down to minority.

I come from a strong Jewish family propelled by a profound cultural honor and tie. My grandparents, Nazi Germany escapees, pride themselves on their religion and support their grandchildren in anything we pursue. As the first grandchild to not attend a dominantly Jewish school, I was questioned about the acceptance and understanding of Judiasm at what is known as a conservative university with a large percentage of Christian students. Within my first weeks on campus, I sent my grandparents a picture of the library and immediately received a response saying, “Is that the chapel?!” As an adamant lover of our school, even from the start, I rebuked my elders’ question with a solid “NO!” How could they be so ignorant to think I would choose a school that neglects diversity and acceptance?

The reality, though, is that I do attend a school that has quite some difficulty with such acceptance. As I spend more and more time on campus, I begin to notice more of the diversity discrepancies we have here on campus. One day at lunch I was asked—for the first time in my life—what it was like to be a Jew. The question was far from rude, yet far from politically correct. I appreciated my peer’s inquiry, but at the same time I did not appreciate the fact that my differences were highlighted. This situation was not the first, nor will it be the last, of such that I will experience here at school.

The problem we face is not the issue of acceptance but rather the issue of understanding. Despite our reputation as a prestigious liberal arts university, we fall deeply from such title in consideration of diversity. I received an astonishing email from Nina Banks this past week that informed recipients that the average number of black students who are U.S. citizens and have attended the University in the last five years is only 28 per entering class (forming just three percent of the student body). Now, I cannot stand here and preach about the lack of diversity on the African-American front, but I can tell you as a religious minority, I do recognize the lack of variety we have on campus.

This issue would not be such a problem if lines were not formed between a variety of students, as in the case of my lunch situation. Bright barriers were created just due to my religion, one of a minority. I truly believe that our university needs to amp up its game and be more welcoming and accepting of varied applicants because the truth is, the “Bucknell Bubble” we have formed is not the real world, situational and based on population. I do admit, however, that I have faith that our university is trying to diversify … but maybe a little push and shove like such an article can only improve our barren diversity situations.

Being a minority on campus has not, and will not, change my love for our school or my Jewish pride. But it will make me less open about my religious stance due to fear of questioning and possible lack of acceptance.

Editorial Opinion

Editorial: Greek life changes are a good step, yet flawed

The recent changes made to the University’s Greek system have elicited much debate amongst The Bucknellian staff. On the one hand, we feel compelled to commend the administration, as well as the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils, for their role in actively trying to improve such a vital portion of the University’s social foundation. At the same time, we feel we must question the policies that they are putting in place to make those changes.

By changing the P4P requirements, the University has, theoretically, improved the way we as students view community service and guest lecturers. Now we will go to these opportunities because we want to, not because we have to, and we will get more out of it.

The problem with this logic is twofold. First, we are college students, which means we are busy with schoolwork, with clubs and with all sorts of activities. Although some students may want to go to speakers or community service events, they may not go if they are not forced to, simply because they want a break in their busy day or want to finish their homework before midnight.

The second problem lies in the fact that “Greeks” do not know exactly what will happen if they don’t meet a certain number of community service hours. Though the hours are no longer required, the administration could still hold a chapter accountable for not doing them. The Bucknellian staff hopes this is not simply a “test” from the administration in hopes of getting chapters in trouble, and eventually minimizing Greek presence on campus.

Finally, we feel the new six-week plan to educate first-years on Greek Life contradicts the administration’s stance from the past semester. It seems as if the University has frowned upon the importance of Greek Life on campus, and would like to see it become a less significant portion of the social reality here. If this new Greek education class is implemented, it seems the importance of fraternity and sorority life to first-years will be amplified. This class will make Greek Life a bigger deal than it already is.

We appreciate the steps the University is taking to improve the atmosphere of this campus, but we also must question the steps it is taking to accomplish its goals. Unfortunately, the recent changes may look good theoretically, but could prove detrimental in practice.


Is the lack of sorority housing patriarchal? He said…

Vince Fasanello

Contributing Writer

With all of the discussion on “campus climate” and changes in the Greek system that have been going on over the past few months, I thought I would take the opportunity to give a guy’s perspective on the social scene in Greek life. Because the fraternities have on-campus houses and the sororities do not, this creates a social dynamic which places a lot of unsought pressure on the guys. Because we have the houses, we’re the only ones who have the parties. We pay for the parties, we put in a lot of preparation effort and, looking at this from a legal perspective and our standing with the University, we are ultimately responsible for the well-being of the people who attend. The girls roll in, drink our beer and then leave. We’re left with a demolished house bearing all of the costs. Look at our social dues–-while we pay roughly $150 a semester, the typical sorority pays about $10-15, solely for a date party here and there and formals. To my knowledge, $150 is relatively cheap compared to some of the other fraternities on campus. Another negative side effect is that I could see how the University would naturally associate fraternities, more so than sororities, as solely “partying” organizations.

I think a more ideal social scene would be one in which sororities could host some of the parties. I realize that “officially” this would be impossible because they do not have houses on campus. Downtown parties aren’t technically registered with the University  (as “registers” are) and hosted by the fraternity; rather, the residents of the house technically host them. Sororities could therefore easily host parties downtown (obviously not to the same extent as a register, but nevertheless a successful mixer at the least). Unfortunately, we all have set an irreversible precedent of women relying on men to host the parties. We are constantly in a position of having to prepare for parties and “please” sorority women so that they will want to come and attend more of our events in the future. This is a lot of pressure.

With the current situation, and with ongoing talks about “changing the campus climate for the better” and empowering women so that they don’t feel objectified by men, I feel it’s necessary to rethink the current social scene because it exacerbates these problems. With women only relying on fraternities to host social events, they are, in essence, being subjected to “follow the leader.” Instead, we should find a solution that enables both fraternities and sororities to equally share the burden. Dividing the costs and pressure will make for a better social scene for everyone and could solve some of the ongoing problems concerning Greek life.