Arts & Life

Lewisburg Ice Festival aims to freeze this weekend

By Jen Lassen

Life Editor
It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not referring to the Hallmark holiday otherwise known as Valentine’s Day, but to the annual Lewisburg Ice Festival on Feb. 3 and 4. The festival, centered around winter and, of course, ice, is open to all University students.

Beginning on Friday at 1 p.m., a group of ice carvers will begin sculpting statues out of solid blocks of ice in Hufnagle Park; these sculptures will be on display all weekend long. Following this event, at 5:30 p.m. “A Capella on Ice” will take place at the Campus Theatre. The University’s a capella groups: Beyond Unison, The Bison Chips, The Silhouettes, and Two Past Midnight will perform to benefit Bucknell A.C.E.S., an organization primarily concerned with building schools, supporting medical clinics, running food drives and offering short-term educational opportunities for children in the Dominican Republic. Donations of $5 are encouraged, but not required.

On Friday evening from 6 – 8 p.m., saxophonist Ravi Evans will perform at the Starbucks Cafe in Barnes & Noble. At 8 p.m., Tiempo Libre, a three-time Grammy nominated Latin band, will perform in The Weis Center. For tickets to see Tiempo Libre, call (570) 577-1000. All stores are open until 9 p.m.on Friday.

Saturday morning starts off on the right foot -literally- with the annual Frost 5K at 10 a.m. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. at the Campus Theatre, so make sure to get there early to secure a spot in the race. Yet even before the race begins, the Lewisburg Lions Club will be hosting an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast at the Lewisburg Club, 131 Market Street, for only $6 per adult from 7-11 a.m

Saturday continues with the annual Chili Cook Off; it’s $5 to taste all the chili you want, and you can enter a raffle to win a Yuengling snowboard, ski passes to Jack Frost Big Boulder, ski jackets and more.But the main event on Saturday is one of Lewisburg’s finest traditions, the Polar Bear Plunge, at the St. George Street landing beginning at 2 p.m. Join your friends and local Lewisburg members to run into the icy Susquehanna river together. Register for $20 from 1 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. on Saturday at the event site; the first 300 people who register receive a commemorative t-shirt. The Campus Theatre will be holding a free screening of Ice Age at 4 p.m.

With all the fun events going on this weekend downtown, make a point to venture into Lewisburg to check out the festival, give a donation, or even jump into the Susquehanna river yourself. Who knew ice could be so fun?