Arts & Life

“Proof” rendition proves successful

By Rob O’Donnell

Staff Writer

“Proof,” a play by David Auburn, is a fantastic read, even for those who don’t like theater. It is an interesting look at two sisters, their father and his student, and develops these characters in a heartbreaking but uplifting way. Auburn’s skill truly comes from his believable character development and dialogue.

The Walnut Street Theater, the oldest operating theatre in the United States, visited the University to perform the play on Feb. 24. Although the cast was made up of only four people, it definitely was not a small production. The backdrop, lighting and costumes made an impressive set to round out the production.

The location did hinder the performance a little, because the main theater of the Weis Center for the Performing Arts is clearly designed for musical performances, not live theater. It was perfect for John Legend, but not so much for “Proof.” There were times, especially at the beginning, when I could not hear what was being said on stage, and judging from the grumbling during intermission, many others could not either. The actors must have realized, because after intermission, it wasn’t a problem at all.

The music also sounded fantastic. It featured an ominous bass line for most of the performance and a lively rhythm for the rest. 

Emily Hooper ’14 called the performance “evocative,” and I absolutely agree. The actors clearly had great chemistry so they were able to make the lines come to life. They also amplified the comedic side of the play, which I missed when I originally read it. 

If you missed it, make sure to see the next play that comes to the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. I have yet to be disappointed and I’m sure you won’t be either.