Men Sports Track & Field

Men’s track sets record

Colin Fields


Tom Barr ’12 put on a huge performance in the shot put, breaking the old school record held by Tim Medlock ’10 by nearly a foot, as the men’s track team picked up  a combined nine victories and set 19 top-10 school marks at Youngstown State last weekend.

Barr’s toss of 54 feet, 11.5 inches was good for second place in the shot put. Barr’s fellow teammates Stephen Koullias ’13 and Quinten Marcott ’13 also finished fourth and fifth respectively in the shot put.

“This current group of throwers has made phenomenal improvements this year. The sheer amount of work put into practice time for all of these men has more than paid off,” Marcott said.

Barr picked up a victory in the weight throw, finishing with a throw of 63-5 and just missing out on another personal best.

“I am happy to beat Tim’s record. Records are meant to be broken, and as a former Bison Tim left his record as a challenge for someone to beat, and I am glad that I rose to the occasion,” Barr said.

On the track, Jason Brown ’13 set personal bests in the high jump and 60-meter hurdles. Brown’s mark in the high jump was good enough for first place while his 60-meter time was good for sixth place.

“It’s really satisfying to see the hard work and specialized coaching come together to pay off like it did when I won the high jump,” Brown said.

Alex Prieto ’14 also set a personal best in the triple jump, launching himself into the top ten in the record books and giving him the victory.

“It felt great to finally set a PR in triple jump. I had been struggling in the beginning of the season and was glad to see my hard work pay off,” Prieto said.

The Bison cleaned house in the 5,000 meters, taking four of the top five spots. D.J. Krystek ’13 took first with a time of 14:56.48 and Jon Dugan ’15, Robert Yamnicky ’13 and Mike McGowan ’15 took third, fourth and fifth respectively.

“It felt pretty awesome to finish with so much orange and blue up front. It is great to know you have so many guys running at similar levels because we can all help each other out on the track and during training,” McGowan said. “The upperclassmen have really been great role models for me by showing me how to excel in the sport. They are teaching me that training does not start and end at the official practice time, but starts from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.”

The Bison resume action at the Bucknell Winter Classic on Saturday at Gerhard Fieldhouse. The Winter Classic marks the final meet before the Patriot League Indoor Championships.


Abuse of ADD meds steadily increases

Jessica Isgro


The acronym ADD has become commonplace in our society. Count the times in your own life that you’ve jokingly reasoned away a lack of focus by saying, “I have such ADD right now.” Even more prevalent than our slang use of a legitimate psychological condition is the widespread presence of the disorder. ADD and ADHD have become somewhat of an epidemic in our nation, and the number of children and adults being treated for their symptoms is steadily increasing. But why has it become so prevalent? Are teens and adults really more susceptible to this condition today?

I don’t think so. I think doctors, parents and teachers have become more observant. Diagnosing ADD and ADHD proves a tricky situation; it’s not detectable through a blood test or any other obvious means. For this reason, diagnosing such cases is not black and white. The diagnosis instead involves observation on the parts of the adults in a child’s life to assess if he or she suffers from ADD or ADHD.

Regardless of the reason for the heightened rate of ADD and ADHD diagnoses, one fact is indisputable: the amount of abuse resulting from the related medications, most commonly Adderall and Ritalin, is steadily on the rise. According to a study published in “Pediatrics”, the abuse of ADD and ADHD drugs increased 76 percent from 1998 to 2005. The prevalence of these disorders in our society provides easy access to their medications; abusers will often ask a friend to spare a few pills or sell them altogether. Some abusers see ADD medications as a safer alternative to harder drugs; they are considered easier to obtain while still supplying the abuser with a high.

The interesting thing about Adderall and Ritalin abuse is that even though cases of ADD and ADHD drug abuse continues to increase, there has been a recent shortage of ADD and ADHD medication. Both the original and generic forms have been scarce and those who legitimately need the medication are having issues finding it. It makes you wonder to what lengths addicts are willing to go in order to find this now-elusive medication. And worse, those using Adderall and Ritalin for non-medicinal purposes are diminishing precious, in-demand medicine that would better serve those with legitimate needs.

What should be done about this problem? Perhaps stricter monitoring of the medication would deter persons who actually need the medication from giving a few pills to their friends, especially if they know that they might not be able to refill their prescription easily the next time around. If abusers truly want these drugs, I feel they will find a way to acquire them. Regardless of the reason, whether they desire the weight loss resulting from Ritalin, they seek the effects of a stimulant or are attempting to increase their focus, serious drug abusers will not merely bow to stronger regulations.

This issue is underemphasized. Our society lacks widespread understanding of the paradox of ADD medication being too accessible to addicts, yet too elusive to ADD and ADHD patients. To use a clichéd but apropos metaphor, one bad apple spoils the bunch. The way I see it, those who abuse Ritalin, Adderall and other medications tarnish the existence of both ADD and ADHD. For this reason, not everyone sees the shortage of ADD and ADHD medication as a problem. Unfortunately, the only ones who suffer in this situation are the ones with legitimate conditions. If an easy solution to this problem existed, it would already be fixed. For now, the most we can do is form a divide in our minds between those who need these medications and those who choose to take them.


University debates PL football scholarships

By Sara Blair Matthews


The impending decision to permit athletic merit scholarships for Patriot League football programs is expected to be made over the next few weeks. If the Patriot League President’s Council decides to go through with these scholarships, the University would potentially add roughly three to five additional scholarships for football student-athletes per year.

The proposition has received mixed reviews on campus. Currently, the University awards some form of merit aid to student athletes in 10 of its 27 Division I sports
“Clearly we will have to remain sensitive to the many implications of any decision to permit merit aid in football,” President John Bravman said in an email to University faculty. If the new policy is implemented, head football coach Joe Susan expects the biggest change to be the demographic of the team.
“It has been difficult to recruit the middle-class kid. It is difficult to attract that kind of athlete when we can only offer him half [off his tuition],” Susan said.
He thinks this new policy could give the University a better chance against Ivy League schools, who utilize their large endowments in the recruiting process.
“The more success you have in sports, the better feel a university has for itself. A winning season can really start off the year in the right way,” Susan said. Alternatively, Andre Shields ’12 offensive line player, does not think that this policy will change much if it is passed.
“[Realistically] we’re not going to let great football players come who [aren’t smart enough] to handle the academics,” Shields said.
Shields believes scholarships will allow students to come who couldn’t ordinarily given their financial circumstances.
“It will level the playing field,” Shields said.
Last year, the University was ranked fourth nationally for its student-athlete graduation rate. John Enyeart, associate professor of history, along with many other faculty, believes the University uses this ranking as a crutch to justify its increasing focus on sports. “I am concerned that we are getting farther and farther away from our academic mission [as a school],” Enyeart said. “For many, studying is no longer a top priority.”
For Enyeart, it is hard to see how the scholarships will make the University more competitive in the Patriot League. He believes the money could be better spent on academic departments and facilities.
“The Patriot League was put on the map not for offering scholarships to basketball, football and other athletes,” Enyeart said.
As this issue continues to be debated, more controversy will likely ensue in the coming weeks.
Arts & Life

Q and A with student performers: The Wingmen

By Heather Hennigan

Contributing Writer

The Wingmen, a student band on campus, was featured last Friday night in Seventh Street Café’s Late Night series. The band members include Drew Picketts ’14 (lead vocals, rhythm guitarist, harmonica and kazoo), Alex Ororbia ’13 (lead guitarist, rhythm/funk guitarist, back-up vocals and band manager), Michael Mattei ’13 (bass, back-up vocals, rhythm guitarist, flute and manager), Andy Hritz ’14 (keyboard, saxophone, kazoo and percussion) and Tony Veloz ’14 (violin). 

Q: What type of music do you play/write? What are some of your influences?

A: Drew: “We play reggae, ’90s rock, blues and some originals. Everyone in the band comes from different musical backgrounds and listens to their own distinct genres.”
A: Michael: “In terms of the music we play, I don’t really like to classify us. Each member of the band likes to listen to and play completely different genres, and we just do our best to work with each other and add our own flavor. I’d say the biggest influence in our sound, though, is Drew’s love of reggae and ska, and also some punk influence. That’s definitely the bare bones of what we do.”

A: Alex: “Whenever I write riffs or song ideas for the band, I usually come from a funk perspective and draw from 90s rock composition and old classic rock riff ideas, and then mix in key change ideas to spice up the feel of the riffs and progressions. I like to write (i.e. brighten up a tune, create a sad bridge, etc.). The ideas (for a chorus, verse or both) that I bring to the band ultimately change to how the band functions as a whole and the resulting songs display a blend of those basic riffs, Drew’s melodies and lyrics, and Mike’s bass-lines. Andy has certainly brought in a different feel and style to the music we play. Not only is he good at creating the keyboard accompaniment (and bass-lines in certain cases) that we need for most songs, he brings in some progressive and classically influenced ideas into our writing. As a result, we have some pretty cool songs in the works. I would also say that Tony’s violin playing has added yet another dimension to our band’s style, putting in more interesting timbre in our music as well as some orchestral-sounding themes over top our progressions, influenced by his classical background and a love of improvisation. He’s told me the band is providing him with an excellent opportunity to improvise and experiment with violin playing in a unique way (especially trying to integrate it into our more funky rock style).”

Q: When did your band first form and how?

A: Alex: “Well, as I think back, Mike and I have been friends since our freshman year here at Bucknell. I remember him and I talking about how cool it would be to perform all of our favorite songs just even as guitar-bassist duo as early as freshman year.  Then I actually started a smaller performance group with a some music-loving friends who were interested in playing at Seventh Street, including a pianist and a guitarist, and we got a holiday party gig at Uptown where we needed to put together a set list within a few weeks. I met Drew at one at a meeting of the music club Mike tried starting up the 2010 fall semester, and he got a hold of me after I posted that we needed a singer on that club’s Facebook. I gave Mike a call one night and asked him if he was interested in joining in on a starting band with Drew and I (the other guys eventually couldn’t do it) and getting ready to play for a gig in just under a week. He accepted, and well, several days later we were playing at Uptown several holiday tunes that we modified like ‘Rosty the Snowman’ and ‘Jingle Blues’ and our own version of ‘Feliz Navidad’.”

Q: How did you come up with your band name?

A: Michael: “The name came from one of those instances where you’re just thinking about the day, and a particular phrase seems to describe it perfectly. I was walking back to my mod from practice (the first or second one, I don’t remember exactly) and I was thinking about how the band was going to work out and the role that each member would play (this was before Andy joined the band). It was obvious from the start that Drew would be the frontman, since he’s lead vocals. And Alex, he was sort of like the band’s wingman. He met me early in our freshman year. Then he met Drew later in our sophomore year (Drew was a freshman) and was like, ‘Hey, you two should get together and play some music!’ so Alex brought us all together and was, in my mind, dubbed the band’s wingman. A few seconds later, he received a text message that said ‘The Wingmen?’ and the rest is history.”

Q: Were you excited to be featured in Seventh Street Café’s Late Night series? How was it?

A: Alex: “Yes, I was excited to be a part of the Seventh Street Late Night series. I enjoy practicing for upcoming performances and crafting our set-lists for each gig as well as figuring out which original songs are performance-ready. I enjoy the laid-back environment of Seventh Street Café. Overall, it was very fun playing [there] and I hope the band gets to do more.”

A: Andy: “Oh yeah. Nothing beats being squeezed into the back corner. I can only escape by crawling under my keyboard … But in all seriousness, I like the opportunity to perform in front of peers without the pressures of having to sound professional or anything. We can jam and have a good time.”

Q: Do you ever get nervous?

A: Michael: “Generally, we’ve become really comfortable with [performing]. We just go in and have fun. We don’t care about our audience taking us seriously. We just want them to have fun with us and enjoy the show. We just wing it (pun intended) and play through mistakes and have good time.”

A: Alex: “I don’t usually get nervous for performances, given we have done them enough to know what to expect. We often joke that we certainly fit our band’s name since we often end up ‘winging some things and go into a performance after only having rehearsed some songs in our set only once or twice. But I love to improvise my guitar solos, so I feel it generally works out going in to some gigs with only a basic feel for certain songs. It can sometimes allow us to make a song we choose to perform more like a good cover, or our own version of it, rather than simply trying to copy it.”

Q: Any plans/hopes for the future?

A: Michael: “I have two hopes for the band. The first is that we work closely with other bands to enhance the musical community here at Bucknell. My other hope is that we can record as many of our songs as possible before Alex and I graduate so we can listen to them years from now and think back to the times we’ve had, but also so that friends and family from home can finally hear the band.”

A: Andy: “I know we’re trying to minimize our use of covers and shift to performing mostly original material. I’d like to write more for the band. I know all of us are trying to get an album out within a year.”

A: Alex: “I always hope for more gigs at Uptown or Seventh Street, and we would like to play a little bit more at some of the local venues of Lewisburg, like Bull Run Inn, Zelda’s Cafe, Cherry Alley, an event in Hufnagle park, etc.  Ultimately, we hope to phase out most of our cover songs with originals (we have plenty of works-in-progress at the moment) and just cycle in several of these covers for every show. One long-term band goal is to release an album of our original music and a few of our better covers within the year. We also have a Facebook page. Please visit our page and give us a ‘like’ to keep up on performance dates and sample songs we plan on posting there.”

Arts & Life From the Mind of Wiley Jack Humor

From the mind of Wiley Jack: My Life as an Athlete

By Jack Wiles


The last two weeks of writing this column I have exaggerated things in an attempt to induce laughter from your gullible little bodies. This week, shit gets real. From this pathetic and embarrassing story, I hope that you readers leave feeling sorry for me and go do something to change your lives for the better. It’s motivation time, son.

I was never a great athlete–-I’ll be the first to admit it–-but I could be decent at times and I played some sports in high school. Basketball was one that I dabbled in. When a group of my friends made a B-League intramural basketball team, I hopped on board very quickly. It’ll be fun! Some good exercise with my friends! Hoo-rah! Wiles, you sir, are incorrect. Little did I realize that B-League basketball was actually like training to become a Navy Seal … in Death Valley … with a large three-toed sloth affixed to my back.

Layup lines were easy. I even made a few jumpers in warm-ups, so I got on the court with more confidence than Tony Stark. After about three trips up and down the court (that’s six if you count in one-way trips), I was huffin’ and puffin’ like I just gave birth. When I looked up too quickly, everything got blurry and I felt like I was going to faint. Let me pause and remind you that we’re playing uncompetitive B-League basketball. I’m the first sub out and I can’t even stand on the sidelines. I have to wait until the second half to go back in. I played maybe a third of the entire game and I felt worse than Lance Armstrong felt when he had one of his balls removed.

I got back to my house, started coughing a lot and vomited. Projectile, disgusting, I’m sorry you have to read this part, barf … from 14 minutes of B-League intramural basketball. I never do any exercise, never work out, eat unhealthily, etc. Readers, let me tell you, this will change. This must change. I’m hopping back on the court right after I finish writing this column. I’m changing my diet; hell, maybe I’ll go on a little jog every once and a while. Baby steps are crucial. I hope you do the same. Be healthy and take care of your bodies, because let me tell you … puking after a B-League basketball game is straight up embarrassing.

Arts & Life

Meiser’s exhibit offers complex ideas

By Courtney Bottazzi

Staff Writer

“Influx.” An interesting name choice for an art exhibition, yet one that carries meaning beyond the obvious.

“The title refers to the influx of information but also at the same time, in flux and constantly changing,” artist Joe Meiser said.

On Feb. 3, Meiser opened his art exhibition in the Samek Art Gallery. The audience, filled with Meiser’s family, friends, colleagues and students, sat in fascination as Meiser described the input of his creative process for the exhibition.

Meiser explained that he tried to relay the type of paradox found in the title of his exhibit throughout his artwork. He was interested in exploring the tensions relevant to the human condition and the coexistence of contradictory concepts, such as beauty and terror, within our modern world.

Meiser also focused on our limitations as human beings. During his lecture, he suggested that one strong example is flawed reasoning.

“Humans may be eluded and enlightened,” Meiser said.

Pushing this idea further, Meiser began to investigate what death means in our era. He questioned the idea of the soul and, with scientific advancements, whether immortality could one day be achieved. The philosophical and scientific research that kick-started Meiser’s creative process was helped by a virtual program called Rhinoceros 3-D. The software allowed him to digitally conceive his ideas and make them a reality.

The extremely compelling artwork produced by Meiser included pieces such as “Stephen Hawking as Elijah, Ascending to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire” and “The Two Deaths of Socrates.” The latter paid homage to Socrates’ concept of dualism, including an air vent through which Socrates’ soul will live on.

Other pieces shifted towards the question of whether non-human animals and artificial intelligence can possibly retain souls. Meiser reflected his answer in pieces called “Hominid and Simian Souls” and “Johnny5.” “Hominid and Simian Souls” were perfectly constructed, yet warped skulls of primal animals. “Johnny5” consisted of photos of a robot going through seemingly mundane human activities, such as brushing its teeth and contemplating its life.

Another project that leaves turbulent waves of contemplation in its wake is the “Robotic Cuckoo Vulture.” This vulture counts down to the end of humanity, or as Meiser joked, to the end of the year 2012. Each of the pieces reminds its viewers of the human condition.

“We strive for permanence even though it’s not possible,” Meiser said.

The depth of Meiser’s creative influences has also reached through to his students.

“He’s very good at getting his students to think creatively. I definitely have been thinking more conceptually and that started with Joe pushing our creative ideas,” Jenna DeLuca ’13 said.

“I’ve only taken a drawing class with Joe and taking a few hours to draw and looking at things in a different way have slowed things down,” Grace Toolan ’13 said.

As viewers walked around the Samek Art Gallery, it was clear Meiser’s art work had this effect on everyone: a chance to slow things down and contemplate our human existence. This captivation was only interrupted by the loud popping of balloons that covered the floor of the gallery, a clear reminder to pay attention to the present moment.

“The awareness of mortality can make each day count,” Meiser said.

Arts & Life

Off the beat and Path: A Call for Change

By Robert O’Donnell


It’s not often that I admit what I write pales in comparison to somebody else’s writing. However, when it comes to Tyler, The Creator’s album, “Goblin,” I am speechless. Fortunately, Sara Quin from the band Tegan and Sara was not, and wrote an open letter on her online blog. Despite the fact that the twin sisters in Tegan and Sara are lesbians, they are not a political band.

“I’ve asked myself a thousand times why this is pushing me over the edge … Maybe it’s because I’m a human being, both a girl and a lesbian. Maybe it’s because my mom has spent her whole adult life working with teenage girls who were victims of sexual assault,” Sara said.

For me, a popular artist spewing hatred should not be ignored, so I felt compelled to write this article. And the worst part, the thing that sealed my decision, was that everyone else was indeed ignoring this spewing hatred. When my friends tell me I don’t understand, or at least need to respect Tyler, The Creator as a creative genius, it makes me furious.

Remember Mel Gibson’s awful anti-Semitic tirade? Remember Michael Richard’s disgusting racist tirade? Yet, when Tyler does the same thing about rape and homosexuals, and puts a beat behind it, everyone dances. The same media that vilified Richards and Gibson, are now giving glowing reviews to Tyler, who is saying the same kind of terrible, unforgivable things as the others.

“When will misogynistic and homophobic ranting and raving result in meaningful repercussions in the entertainment industry?” Sara said.

He might hide behind the excuse that his lyrics are like a movie, but I don’t buy it. Every person should be held accountable for his or her words, no matter how artistically gifted he or she is. I do not care if he claims that he does not believe his lyrics; he is still singing them and turning rape and homophobia into a twisted sort of joke, when they are extremely serious issues in reality. People like Matthew Shepard have been brutally killed due to the homophobia rampant in our culture and even if Tyler is not homophobic himself, he is perpetuating the hatred. If he doesn’t believe it, then he shouldn’t say it.

I’ve been accused of being too uptight and too sensitive about his music, but the fact of the matter is I absolutely despise violence, homophobia and sexual assault. And those are the only things I hear when I listen to his album. How is the music? It is distinct and intriguing, and if the album was instrumental, then I would listen. But I do not and will not ever respect a single thing I hear in this album. I will not go along with a vile message because I am afraid that people will accuse me of not understanding or being too conservative. Sara says that she was reluctant to speak out about it.

“At the very least, I will know that my voice is on record,” Sara said.

And now, mine is too.

Arts & Life

“State of Wonder” explores scientific and personal progress

By Carolyn Williams

Staff Writer

Ann Patchett’s sixth novel, “State of Wonder,” is a decided departure from her previous body of work. Best known for her beloved “Bel Canto” and her memoir, “Truth and Beauty,” Patchett explores a new world (literally) in “State of Wonder,” delving deep into the Amazon in search of scientific progress and personal growth.

Marina Singh is a middle-aged doctor employed by the Minnesota pharmaceutical firm Vogel, where she does some mild-mannered studies of cholesterol levels until she receives news which permanently alters the course of her life. Her lab partner, Anders, has perished while on an assignment for the company in the Amazon. The firm is forced to send a replacement: Marina.

Mr. Fox, the bland, suit-wearing corporate head of Vogel (and coincidentally Marina’s equally bland, older lover) has chosen Marina as Anders’s replacement because of her relationship to the mission itself. Vogel has been funding the noted scientist Annick Swenson’s extremely secret work for upwards of seven years, and the company has decided that Swenson’s freedom has gone on long enough. Anders was sent to check up on the progress of the development of Swenson’s purported Amazonian fertility drug. As Swenson’s former pupil, Marina is theoretically the most likely to be able to coax some information out of her. However, because the intractable Swenson played a critical role in an accident that derailed Marina’s career, Marina herself is not very confident about her prospects.

Upon arriving in Brazil, Marina promptly realizes that she has lost her luggage, forcing her to literally start from scratch in the city of Manaus. She has to wait weeks before Swenson returns with supplies before she can access the well-hidden tribe of the Lakashi people. In this tribe, due to an extremely rare tree bark, women are able to give birth well past menopause, a fact which has unheard of potential for fertility drugs and is the subject of Swenson’s extensive research. As she becomes more comfortable in her own skin, Marina allows herself to grow and to explore the wild possibilities of the jungle. The trip she never wanted to make becomes the one which finally acquaints her with her true self.

While not the magical, lyrical beauty of “Bel Canto,” “State of Wonder” is still a very worthwhile read. Patchett keeps her readers on their toes between swarms of insects, cannibal tribes, the truly terrific character of Swenson, anacondas, things that go bump in the night and a completely unexpected ending. If perhaps the scope of this adventuresome novel detracts from Patchett’s brilliance as a writer, Marina’s experience does, at times, redeem the book as it reveals the state of wonder she finds in the jungle.

Arts & Life

Gary Thomas trio ignites passion in Bucknell Hall

By Jen Lassen

Arts & Life Editor

Jazz music extends far beyond easy listening when watching live performers.

On Feb. 1, the Jazz at Bucknell series welcomed the Gary Thomas Trio. The trio, which includes saxophonist Gary Thomas, bassist Blake Meister and drummer Nasar Abadey, filled Bucknell Hall with tremendous sound and captured the audience’s attention for an unforgettable and one-of-a-kind jazz experience.

Phil Haynes, director of the University pep band and BIIE, lecturer in music and a Kushell Jazz Artist-in-Residence, warmly welcomed the trio.

The trio began with a slow, soft melody, making it obvious that something impressive would occur soon after they’d begun. Abadey created a steady rhythm that contrasted Thomas and Meister’s smoothness, yet for some reason this juxtaposition worked in perfect harmony, capturing the audience’s ears.

As the trio continued playing, the melody and rhythm sped up, growing more intense with each second of musical collaboration.

In their performance, there was no sense of individualism; each of the three musicians seemed content with sharing the spotlight with one another; no one musician overpowered the performance. Although there were points during the performance where either Thomas, Abadey or Meister were individually featured, none of them took up too much as a soloist. The collaboration was something the audience could both see and feel.

“I don’t always bring jazz that’s typical or easy listening; I want students to feel like they’ve gone to New York or Berlin to experience it,” Thomas said.

As the audience was watching the trio work their magic, they seemed to take Thomas’ comment to heart and really feel the music rather than just listen to it. Music, although powerful, is only as effective as the people who believe in it. Luckily, the Gary Thomas Trio was treated to a room full of believers and appreciators of the art of song.

Arts & Life

Rooke Chapel Ringers continue as Univ. hallmark

By Jen Lassen

Arts & Life Editor

Shiny brass bells have long been a traditional symbol of the University, right up there with bison, the Bertrand Library clock tower and Rooke Chapel itself.

The Chapel bells symbolize the talented, dedicated and well-known Rooke Chapel Ringers handbell choir that has been a distinguished and wonderful group the University has the pleasure of calling its own.

The group consists of 16 talented current and former University students all fully committed to one of our finest traditions.

“We trust each other to do well, and that trust pulls through each time we play a piece,” Maria Thomas ’12 said.

Organized in 1983 under the direction of Dr. William A. Payn, director of choral studies, the group has performed at countless services and events. The Rooke Chapel Ringers regularly perform at the Protestant worship services on campus, but their big event each year is the traditional Christmas Candlelight Service in Rooke Chapel each December. This program, which has been taped and repeatedly televised by PBS, has been nominated for two Emmys, giving the group some serious bragging rights. The Ringers have earned a dignified spot in the University’s heritage, and for good reason.

“Their performances are always beautifully executed with lots of ‘connection’ with the audience. The PBS presentations, viewed throughout the country, are extremely professional … produced and directed by a very creative team. The ringer’s project the joy of ringing in their faces and their musical ability is unmatched by other college or university handbell ensembles. Audiences are always immediately on their feet at the end of performances,” Payn said.

“I think it’s because handbell ringing is usually kept to churches and isn’t widely publicized that seeing a very good handbell group such as the Rooke Chapel Ringers surprises people and makes them remember us,” Thomas said.

Other performances by the Ringers include a holiday tour through the seniors’ hometowns, a spring concert to be held on Sat. April 28 and a showing at this year’s Baccalaureate on Sat. May 19. The group has also traveled far and wide–-from New York City to Switzerland and Austria–-to perform for various audiences.

“I can’t even begin to express what a privilege it is for me to travel with these 16 young students. They represent Bucknell so very well. Most are not music majors, but represent most of the fields of study at Bucknell. It is indeed impressive and it is very obvious to the audience that these students are extremely passionate about their music-making as well as their studies,” Payn said.

Just like a well-balanced lifestyle is characteristic of University students, the Rooke Chapel Ringers will forever be a shining characteristic of the University’s past, present and future for many years to come.