Satellite view of east coast on Oct. 29.
Sara Blair Matthews
News Editor
Hurricane Sandy hit the Lewisburg area from, causing the University to cancel classes and shut down campus offices starting at 2 p.m. on Oct. 29. Classes resumed and offices reopened at noon on Oct. 30. Dining services closed from 8 p.m. on Oct. 29 to 8 a.m. on Oct. 30. The Elaine Langone Center and Switchboard remained open. Parking restrictions resumed at 6 a.m. on the morning of Oct. 31.

Students faced difficulty in traveling around campus due to the heavy rain and winds. Umbrellas were blown inside out.
Students were advised to avoid the Route 15 tunnel and the St. George Street tunnel in the case of flooding.
“With high wind gusts, please watch for flying debris, including trees and limbs,” the Campus Center said.
The Grove on lower campus was closed as a precaution due to high winds and falling debris.
“We appreciate your taking every step to keep yourself and others safe … and informed on this storm and its impact on campus,” President John Bravman said.
The University also made use of social media outlets, such as Twitter and Facebook to provide emergency updates. These pages can be accessed at https://www.facebook.com/BucknellU and https://twitter.com/BucknellU.
On Oct. 31, Bravman sent out a campus wide email entitled “Help Those Hurt by Hurricane Sandy,” in which he urged alumni, parents, faculty, staff and students to support students in urgent need at this time.
“We Bucknellians are especially pained by this [storm] because we know that many alumni, parents and students of our University community call the corridor that has suffered the greatest their home,” he said. “We encourage all Bucknellians to do what they can to support the Red Cross and other aid agencies providing help … thank you for anything and everything you can do to support urgent relief efforts that help … all who are struggling through the hardships this storm has caused.”