Each year luminary bags are created in memory of those who suffered from cancer. The bags line the track of the field house each year at the annual event.
Kerong Kelly
The massive 12-hour event, Relay for Life, is to be held in the field house on April 28. The goal is to raise awareness for cancer research and to support the survivors of the disease.
“We’re really excited for Relay to get things going and we really hope to get a lot of people involved and raise awareness for cancer,” Mackenzie Yaw ’15 said.
The Relay for Life planning committee is working on a number of engaging activities; such as concerts by University a cappella groups, volleyball teams and games and the attendance of vendors such as Starbucks and Dominoes to cater during the event. During the event, there will also be a survivorship ceremony, where survivors and speakers will present their experiences and hopes for the future in cancer research and support.
“It’s a really good way of involving the campus community through service,” Janie Whelan ’16 said.
The planning committee, comprised of about 70 members, has started to meet on a regular basis to discuss possible themes and activities in order to increase attendance. They would also like to involve the sororities and fraternities more so than last year.
“This will be my seventh year participating in this event and I am so excited to see what Bucknell is planning,” Liz Baldwin ’16 said.