The brothers of Chi Phi fraternity performing their dance for Greek sing. Their performance placed them first in the competition, going on to win Greek Week overall.
Emily Meringolo
Layout Editor
As part of Greek Week, the University’s fraternities and sororities showed off their best moves in Greek Sing on Nov. 1. Delta Gama sorority and Chi Phi fraternity performed their way to the top as they won over a panel of judges selected by Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association. For the first time ever, the event was held in the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. Audience members saw choreographed dances to the sounds of the Backstreet Boys, Gangnam style and The Bloodhound Gang, to name a few. Overall, the event packed in many members from the various Greek organizations on campus and culminated an eventful Greek Week.

Tom Kim ’13 and the brothers of Delta Upsilon fraternity performing Gangnam Style at Greek Sing. This dance placed them in second overall.

The sisters of Chi Omega sorority show their sign at the end of their dance. They went on to win Greek Week.

The sisters of Delta Gamma sorority doing a step routine. They placed first in Greek sing.